never2young Youth Conference

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Indiana's Can't Miss Youth Conference

Make plans to join us for never2young 2025, a uniquely designed gathering to prepare and encourage middle school students to make an impact for Christ.

never2young is Indiana's can't miss youth conference for 6th-8th graders! Hosted annually at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana, never2young helps draw middle school students closer to a lasting relationship with Jesus through music, teaching, games and more!

Youth Pastors/Directors,


never2young Youth Conference Marion

never2young Youth Conference

Who:  6th-8th graders

When:  May 2nd & 3rd

Where:  IWU Campus, Marion, IN

Hey Students!

Don't miss out—ask your youth pastor to register your group for never2young today!

Stay Connected to never2young!

*This link is for registering groups only. Upon completion of your group registration, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link and QR code that you can share with your groups for your students and volunteers to individually register. Please do not have individuals register using this link! If you have any questions, please contact *Tickets to the Friday night concert included with conference fees

Exciting Things for Students to See

Food Options

Including Chick-fil-A on campus!

On-Campus Experiences

Led by IWU students and during the semester!

Stay in Dorms

Private space guaranteed for each group!

never2young Student Executives

Maddey Anema headshot
Maddey Hines
Student Executive Leader

Maddey is a senior and she is studying Youth and Pastoral Ministries. This is her second year on the Never2Young Executive team and her third year working with Never2Young. She enjoys a lot of the behind-the-scenes work including doing registration and housing! Maddey loves her husband, tv shows, and baking. Maddey is very excited to see the way God will move through Never2Young to see God reach the hearts of the middle schoolers!!

Ian Hines
Ian Hines
Student Executive Leader

Ian Hines is a 3rd year student here at IWU. He loves his wife, sports, and grilling. He is very thankful for having the opportunity to lead Never2Young the last two years, and they have been amazing! He is incredibly grateful for this opportunity and he looks forward to making year three even better!

Maddey Anema
Katie Wing
Student Executive Leader

Katie is in her first year of master’s at IWU studying spiritual care. This is her second year being an executive for Never2Young! She loves seeing people of all ages get excited about Jesus! She can't wait to meet you all and love Jesus together! She is so excited to be working on the activities for Never2Young 2025!

2024's never2young Was Incredible!

2024 Fusion
2024 Fusion
Fusion 2024
Fusion 2024

never2young FAQs

The never2young Youth Conference is for middle/jr. high school students in grades 6 through 8

Looking for our high school conference? Check out Fusion Youth Conference

2025 cost to attend is TBD

Food is included in your registration fee.

Lodging is provided in the residence halls on campus at Indiana Wesleyan University.

All residence halls are a short walk from the festivities!

Fusion logo

Looking for our high school conference?

Check out Fusion Youth Conference

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